Here's a quick and rough guide to import Triton into Unity and attach a normalmap to it.
Importing an .obj into Unity
- Click and drag Triton folder into Assets box
- Set Triton GameObject to position X=0, Y=0, Z=0
- Place Triton prefab into scene and zoom out as it'll be pretty big
- The sphere will be black in colour for now
- Open the Triton GameObject in the Hierarchy (on the left, where the Main Camera is)
- Click on the pSphere1 object, this will be the actual black sphere object
- In the Inspector (on the right side) you'll see your texture (blinn1sG) in a Diffuse shader
- We need to change the Main Colour to a brighter one rather than black (Pick white for example).
- Now you should see a sphere with your texture on it, but you won't have any nice bumps on it
- We need to change this to use the bump mapping, so it looks nice
- Click on the shader that says Diffuse and change it to Bumped Diffuse
- Now you'll see a little empty grey box called Normalmap
- We need to convert our Bumpmap to a Normalmap to use with the shader
Converting a Bumpmap to a Normalmap in Unity:
- Go to Assets > YOURASSET > Click on your BumpMap image
- Change the Texture Type from Texture to Normal Map
- Here you can change options on how bumpy you want it and if you want it smooth or clamped etc. You can come back and change this whenever you like.
- Once done click Apply
- Your bump map will now be a Normalmap
Now that we have a normalmap we can apply it to pSphere1
- Click on pSphere1 again and drag your new Normalmap into the empty grey box
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