Monday, 29 December 2014

Oculus Rift booking - Need a favour

Hey guys,

For a while now (up until the 20th of this month) I've been trying to coordinate a time to book a rift to run some tests (especailly since Unity 4.6 is out). This is for our project. But unfortunatly everytime I get a time/opening to go get one out I am stuck at work.

At this rate I don't think we will have any time to test our prototypes on the rift. As such if anyone near the uni has time could they try and grab us a rift? This way I can meet ya at some point and we can test our stuff on it.

The University re-opens on the 2nd of January. Here are details about the tech office I got:

"The university currently owns two Oculus devices that can be borrowed by students of the faculty. The devices can be taken out by visiting the technicians office in PRSB2019 and requesting them, you are simply required to present a valid university ID and sign out for them."

Give me a shout if you can help out.



  1. Just to add to this I know there is currently one at the office. The University will be closed until 2nd of Jan. The earlier we get one the better.

  2. Hey! I can do this, but I'm not in Kingston until the 3rd though.
