Monday, 1 December 2014

Regarding our presentation feedback

Hey guys :D

I have been working through all the research you guys have posted and I have finally caught up with it all. Quick question about your roles as I have been going through the marking scheme.

I can't find anything in terms of UX design or animation with regards to the marking, unless I am missing something.

I took the following from the marking scheme documentation:

Researcher - Assessment based on: the quality of research and presentation measured by the relevance of topics covered, the relevance of the actual findings, the structure of the written document, the references – quality and comprehensiveness, the authority of the sources used

Design Lead - Assessment based on: the quality of the answer to the requirements as set out in the brief and as defined following the research findings; articulation of the design principles in the design document; evidence on how the design evolved; critique of the design in the design document

Tech Lead - Assessment based on: the quality of the implementation (prototype or simulation or animation), functionality; critique of the achievements in the written document

This would mean that we Design lead works closely with the Researcher, and the programmers work closely with the Design lead based on implementing his designs. This is pretty black and white and we will adapt it a bit etc. But this is how these roles will be assessed.

Researcher -> Design Lead -> Tech Lead / Programming

But where do the animation / UX design roles fit in here with regards to the marking?

Animation / UX Design?

I just wanted to be sure we were all aware of this, because even if we make a kick ass simulation (which we will), it won't help you guys out if you miss most of the criteria.

Do you animators / UX guys know what criteria you need to meet? Sorry if this if common knowledge I was stuck at work for this lecture.

Cheers guys :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rob. No idea. I've been reading the Coursework Assignment document and it looks like the animator role is part of the Analyst/Designer?? (the deliverables include "design artefacts"). I'll write an email to Vesna and let you know her answer.
